I was browsing yahoo auctions a few days ago and i stumbled across this listing. It was a hello kitty themed piece of Windows 95 and Macintosh software called "アクセサリー box" (accessory box). i wanted to find out more about it but when I searched google nothing showed up. I searched for the game in Japanese as well (i know some Japanese) and all that came up was a few online game stores listing it as out of stock. I couldn't find a single trace of any screenshots, footage or even information about the thing, with the exception of one image that looks like advertising material, and is linked to surugaya, a game store, which have it with the advertising image as in stock for 590 yen but their other listing (which actually showed the game's cover) says it's out of stock. I thought the software could be a bootleg at first but it's got the official Sanrio logo all over it and the disc looks quite official. The auction photos show a picture of the back which has lots of Japanese text on it but the image is not high enough quality to read it. I won the game from yahoo and idk when it will arrive but if anyone's interested i'll keep updating. could this be considered lost or rare or am i just wasting my time?
5976 yen on amazon compared to the 15 yen i dropped on yahoo? wowie. also wondering why neither amazon nor surugaya show the actual cover art?
thinking about it, it might be one of those discs you could get in the 90s and early 2000s that let you change desktop icons and whatnot, which would kind of explain the lack of information on what it actually is as those things are not something anyone really gives a toss about. Would be nice just to know, though.
Post by Arctic Circle System on Apr 27, 2017 4:45:41 GMT
I found several more listings (though I forgot to paste the links) that, when translated, sometimes have slightly varying titles. This make me believe yours was only one in a series of titles. Just search for the Japanese name of the game in Google and run it through Google Translate, if you're interested. P.S. Did you get the game yet?
I've found only one listing after googling "ハローキティアクセサリーボックス win95" (https://medio.bz/item.php?cc=154&item=4901610430989) but if there's multiple listings selling it from your search then idk if i searched it wrong or what. If it's a series then it seems more likely to be a game than desktop software, but i'm still not sure.
I'm confused as to whether this would be classified as lost, rare or neither? if there's multiple places selling it then it's not really rare but seems so strange for there to be absolutely zero information, screenshots or footage of a game, if it is one. do you have links to the listings you found?
The package shipped from my shopping service few days ago and will probably be here in about a week. I'm pretty excited to check it out once it's arrived.
the disc arrived today and I can confirm it's definitely a desktop accessory program. I looked through the manual and it has some cool features, such as a diet tracker and calendar as well as the usual wallpapers. If i can get it to run on my computer I'll upload something to youtube in a few days because even if it's boring I think there should be some sort of documentation on this.